Jarvan IV Counters - Strong & Weak AgainstĪll about Jarvan IV counters against strong and weak champions.
Here is a recommend skill order for Jarvan IV. Heroically leaps to an enemy champion, dealing 200 physical damage (200 + 1 70 bonus attack damage) to nearby enemies and creating an area of impassable terrain around them for 3.5seconds. Tapping this ability while near a Demacian Standard will cast Dragon Strike toward it. Demacian StandardĪctive: Throws a Demacian Standard that deals 80 magic damage (80 + 80% magic damage) and remains in place for 8 seconds, granting nearby ally champions 15% attack speed. Unleashes a regal aura that slows surrounding enemies by 20% for 2seconds and grants a shield that absorbs 65 damage for 5 seconds.Ībsorbs 12.82 (2.1% max health) more damage for each nearby enemy champion. If the lance contacts a Demacian Standard (3rd skill) it will pull Jarvan to the Demacian Standard's location, knocking up enemies in his path for 0.75 seconds. The first attack against an enemy deal bonus physical damage equal to 8% of their current health ( 6 seconds cooldown per unique enemy) Dragon StrikeĮxtends Jarvan IV lance, dealing 90 physical damage (90 + 130 bonus attack damage) and reducing the armor of enemies by 10% for 3 seconds. All about Jarvan IV abilities detail with damage, cooldown, and ability order.